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Because it’s gonna be so much fun! Subscribe to get full access to all the latest stories and anecdotes from the jungle. Never miss a titillating tale! We’ll talk about life on the periphery of civilization and what that feels like. Living in a remote jungle for over a decade, where my day-to-day life is extremely different from yours, I’d like to share these interesting experiences with you, from trying to build a house in Spanish to ending up in an Ecuadorian jail and so much more.

A free subscription gets you a weekly article about what’s going on in Mompiche with fascinating stories about everything from hot chocolate to washing the laundry in the river. It’s a look at what life is like in the jungle.

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As a paid subscriber, you’ll have full access to all the latest stories out of Mompiche. You’ll get to read first draft unedited chapters from my non-fiction WIP: Ya Mismo: Thirty Minutes North of Zero, see loads of great local food stories and photos in Going Freaking Bananas, and hear some thoughts on life in the wild with a podcast called Mompiche? Yes, Mompiche! where locals and tourists share their various perspectives. What could go wrong?

What’s up with all those photos?

Many of the photos used in my posts were taken over more than a decade of living in the jungle in a remote corner of Ecuador. They’re published in my photo journal, Mompiche: A Foreign Perspective.

Other “Books by Roni” are available in paperback on Amazon, and you can buy e-books directly from the author in the format of your choice.

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Crazy Stories About Life In The Jungle


I write fabulous books, wonderful stories, and funny anecdotes, and do the podcast "Mompiche? Yes, Mompiche" about the fishing village where I live in Ecuador and why we dropped out of the rat race to live where the jungle meets the beach.